Dharma is the solution to the entire problem in the world, by saying this I’m sounding religious but it would not be wise to bring that thought unless we understand the meaning of Dharma in different religion.
Many of us limit the word to only worshipping but it has more meaningful that just that.
Buddha said,
Dharmmam saranam gacchami
I go to the Dharma for refuge.
I go to the Dharma for refuge.
According to Buddhism, to follow the path shown by Buddha is to be in dharma perform Duty. Dharma in Buddhism is to follow Buddha teaching and among four of his teaching Mârgasatya, (The Truth of the Way) is one of them, which describes about Right Conduct (or Action), samyakkarma.
it is said:" Dharma Rakshaite Rakshate" If you are in Dharma (Duty), Dharma will Protect you...So those who are not in Dharma they shall perish.....realization I go to the good company for refuge
In Christanity, Jesus said, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." and is once duty toward GOD (John 15:12). It is Dharma.
We may be from any of these religious background, we might be worshipping and saying we are being Dharmic or we are offering our duty according what our religion has said, but our knowledge in this regard is incomplete. We still need to know what are our Duties, as prescribed in religious books so we still have to search for it.
To sum it all, in my understanding, all that action which embodies Righteousness for society and self as a whole is, Dharma or is said to have been done as the Duty.
Even the atheist would believe in doing the right things…even if they don’t believe in religion, which is again their duty which they will agree to.
Let us all be in DHARMA in DUTY….. let us all do right, speak right, listen to right…then everything will be just alright…Adhering to this DUTY…or DHARMA…is the only solution..
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